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Legal aid for entrepreneurs

RECHT & RAAD is a partnership of experienced lawyers, specialized in legal assistance to entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized businesses. We are also specialized in rental law, employment law, construction law and purchasing law (including hidden defect cases).

The lawyers at RECHT & RAAD, founded in 1990, deal with all legal issues that entrepreneurs and private individuals may encounter, especially in the areas of rental law, employment law, trademark law, contract law, corporate forms, collections, non-performance and legal proceedings.

The objective of RECHT & RAAD is to make legal information and legal assistance more accessible and affordable for entrepreneurs, landlords, tenants, buyers and sellers, and employees. For this purpose, our internet pages contain legal topics that are of interest to you, while a number of common sample contracts and model letters can also be ordered.

In addition, it is possible for entrepreneurs and landlords to take out a subscription to Recht & Raad. You then pay only €325 ex VAT for a full year of telephone advice, while further work can be carried out at a greatly reduced rate.

On the website you can read about, amongst other subjects:


Tenancy law

Help with rental matters

Lawyer in rental matters in Amsterdam

Deposit for rental matters

Hidden defects when purchasing a car

Hiiden defects purchasing other items

What can Recht & Raad do for you?

Recht& Raad can assist you with the following matters:

assessing your legal matter;

advise you on actions to be taken;

drafting letters and contracts;

drawing up procedural documents;

registering a trademark at national, international and European level;

arranging mediation to resolve a dispute.

Sample letters, model contracts and sample summons

We have drawn up various model contracts and letters that you can order from us. Let us know by email which model contract or model letter you wish to order or have drawn up.

Ask for advice or legal assistance, prevent problems

Involving our lawyers in a timely manner can save you a lot of trouble, both financially and emotionally. Our lawyers have more than 25 years of experience in providing adequate legal assistance.

We have resolved thousands of cases for our customers and brought them to a successful conclusion.

So do you have a legal issue?

Contact Recht & Raad directly by telephone 020 - 6890 863 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

rechtshulp voor ondernemers